
Andreas, a former federal public prosecutor at Central Public Prosecutor’s Office for Combatting Economic Crime and Corruption, is a sought after dispute resolution specialist with a distinct focus on white collar crime. Before joining the Public Prosecutor’s Office, he was part of the M&A team of Wolf Theiss, Austria’s largest law firm. As he also holds a degree in business administration (Mag. rer. soc. oec.) in addition to his doctorate in law (Dr. iur.), he uniquely combines extensive knowledge of the Austrian public prosecution system with vast corporate understanding. Based on his strong background as defense counsel and his corporate expertise, Andreas has been involved as advisor and counsel in numerous high profile white collar crime matters. He regularly gives lectures on criminal law, for example at the Austrian Academy of Certified Public Accountants. Andreas is furthermore author of several articles on white collar crime. Andreas has been ranked by Chambers and Partners EMEA since 2020, 2021 and 2022 and he is ranked “leading individual” in the field of White-Collar Crime by Legal 500.

Lectures, speeches and publications

• Lecturer at the University of Graz – “LL.M. Sanierungsrecht – Strafrechtliche Aspekte der Krise”
• Lecturer at the academy for tax consultants (ASW – Akademie der Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer) “Lehrgang zur/zum Restrukturierungsbeauftragten – Abschnitt Strafrecht”
• Lecturer at the academy for tax consultants (ASW – Akademie der Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer) “Lehrgang zur/zum Restrukturierungsbeauftragten – Abschnitt Strafrecht”
• Lecturer at the Academy for Law & Taxes – ARS “Die erfolgreiche Strafanzeige”
• Speaker at the Rahman Ravelli webinar “The Cum-Ex Scandal”
• Regular respondent for media and journalists
• Author: Embezzlement in Upcoming Commentary on the laws relating to economic offences (Linde, 2022)
• Author: “How corporations can be punished for violating human rights” (DER STANDARD January 2022)
• Author: “Who monitors the prosecutor?” (Die Presse December 2022)
• Author: “Who is represented by the DOJ?” (Die Presse December 2022)
• Publisher: Opinion on the topic “Fraudulent balance sheets” in “Der Börsianer”, (“Betrügerische Bilanzen – wie man eine Bilanz fälscht”)

Ranked Lawyer for White-Collar Crime